Saturday, July 14, 2007

Morning Ramblings

I'm amazed, but in less than a week on steroids, Dakota's muzzle is almost completely back to normal. His nose had been pushed a half inch (literally) to the left, and is now just the way it should be. Two of those big tumor things are completely gone, and the third is shrinking very quickly. He's back to breathing normally, and no more snorfeling. (Yes, I'm aware that I just made up that word. Just because I'm not actively pastoring at the moment doesn't mean my right to invent words has been suspended.)

On another subject, I've been debating about buying a house here in Fort Wayne. My second 6-month lease is almost up, and my apartment building has unfortunately become somewhat of a tenement lately.

Now those who know me know that I've got no ill will towards people of other races and income levels... but I DO really despise it when humans leave beer cans, cigarette butts, and trash everywhere, and won't pick up after their dogs. While I rarely even see any of my neighbors - my hours being what they are - I do see telltale signs of their existence in the daily accumulation of their refuse.

Fortunately, houses here are really reasonable. (Not to say that houses can be irrational in other cities. Except maybe Amityville, if you buy into that sort of thing.)

What I mean, of course, is that prices here are incredibly low, lower even than Cheyenne, the housing market from whence I most recently came. So you may soon be subjected to some house searching-, loan securing-, belongings moving-, home repairing-sort of blog entries which make for such exciting reading. (Yawn.) I'll try my best to make them entertaining, if I choose to go that route.

On the other hand, I haven't fully committed in my mind to staying here long-term, though I certainly could. Fort Wayne is great, the job is satisfying at times and pretty secure (if not a constant roller coaster of income). Plus, my dad lives here now, which sort of locks me in for awhile. But there are times in the day I despise the fact that I'm in this career instead of making a real impact on people's lives like I did before.

Yes, I am aware that some find fault with me wanting to "be somebody of note" in this life. As one anonymous commenter recently railed, "Your codependence (sic) stems from your arrogance, egotism, and the need to be the center of attention."

Is there truth in that statement? Sure, it's very possible. What type-A man out there isn't striving for perfection to impress people in addition to himself? What musician doesn't write a song with the listener at least partially in mind? For that matter, who doesn't mow their lawn with maybe a fraction of a thought about what the neighbors think? Pride is always present, and haughtiness in mind is a constant struggle - especially for people who produce, create, design, and yes... serve. An honest person will admit that anything done publicly for man or mankind brings a measure of pride. Yet another opportunity to recognize the source of your strength and abilities and give credit to Whom credit is due. (And repent if necessary!)

So... My decisions in the upcoming months and years will need to be made with an active suppression of pride. After all, "When pride comes, then comes dishonor, but with the humble is wisdom. The integrity of the upright will guide them, but the crookedness of the treacherous will destroy them." (Proverbs 11:2-3)

Okay... I've typed too long, no time to edit, 'cause I'm off to work. Enjoy your weekend, people!


At 8:39 PM, Blogger mike macon said...

Dudes who rail at you from the cover of anonymity are weasels who don't have the courage to face you head-on.

Ignore them.

Iron sharpens iron, you'll get plenty of sharpening from your friends who love you and who will have the decency to speak "face-to-face," as it were. Don't waste time worrying about the anons.


Yeah, pride's a killer... and one of the antidotes is to continually humbled yourself - which you're doing.

Rock on.

At 10:18 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I Like Mike. Intelligent, honest & loving. Sorta like he's "Being Real"

Yep good guy, Except his choice in hockey teams.

Go Avs!

N>B>L>F>Y bro!

At 11:40 AM, Blogger Dan Turkette said...

Word of advice, if you're buying a home here I would buy "outside" the city limits. The property taxes are terrible within the confines of the city.


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