Monday, September 04, 2006

Safe And Settlling

Hi all - just a quick update:

We got in last night before dark and got to look around. It's a great apartment complex. We unloaded the truck for about 2 hours so we'd have beds, then unloaded the rest this morning (with the help of two guys I hired). That only took about an hour and 15 minutes, and we've been sorting, organizing, moving, and assembling ever since.

We just got back from a midnight trek to Wal-Mart and are now going to crash out for 6 hours before getting up to take Ocean to the airport.

I still can't e-mail out yet, so don't expect any answers from me for a few more days.

PS: Dakota loves his new home. He'd tell you himself, but he's on restriction because I caught him using the computer without permission last night.