Sunday, January 18, 2009

Artful Weekend

With it being so cold outside, and a tattoo cancellation opening up my schedule, I spend the day creating art.

It's been awhile since I did any of my surreal computer stuff, but I knocked out some of it today:

"Swoar To The Light"

I've also been trying to learn to use Poser 7 - not an easy task. These three were created with a combination of Poser and Photoshop:

"Skeleton Drummer"


"Cross Skeleton"

Lastly, there's always good old fashioned pencil:

"Predator Going Invisible"


At 2:22 PM, Blogger mike macon said...

Very cool Predator.

At 4:02 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

amazing dude.

i was looking for a good drawing to use as an example for my new sleeve tattoo, i love this one´s look. He´s badass.



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